Aug 11, 2007

Would you dare?

As many of you, I have heard some crazy stories or urban myths about the soldiers in the Israeli Army, from the rambo type operations to medics using iv's just to cool down in the Israeli summer.

Lately, I've been thinking about the iv thing... I'm not really considering it (of course), I'm too much of a whooz to let a needle get even close to my precious body, but I've been wondering about the kind of person it takes to do it, just for the fun of it.

This is the scenario told by the myth: An israeli medic is shveetzing in the middle of the summer, in the middle of the desert. Over 40°C (104°F for you funny americans). The medic happens to have a refrigerated bag of intravenous solution. So he plugs himself for cooling off his body. It lowers his body temperature and he feels good! No damage done, except for the little pain of the needle.

I would never be able to do it, as discussed before.
Would you do it?

What if it was really really hot? ;)

I would like to know what you would do. Leave a comment, I'll write back, I give you my word.
Write in any language, I don't care, balls: I'll even try to write back in עברית


Unknown said...

i would do it without hesitation. have had a iv before. its not such a big deal. about the myth- i can asure you its true. i know my brother has done it a few times and strongly reccomends it. its supposed to feel nice. know any medics?...

|¥|@µ®¡ said...

You are indeed a brave and courageous woman!
I could consider trying it, if it was like 50°, I was hallucinating, sweating half of my body weight and if I could bite your hand if it hurts.


(Thanx for writing, you're the BEST!)

Anita said...

La verdad es que dudo que haria algo asi.
la cuestion son las agujas, me he sacado sangre y es el peor momento.
Ademas de mis rollos naturistas y de medicina alternativa, pienso tener mi cuerpo en buen estado muchos a;os mas...

|¥|@µ®¡ said...

Pero... esta es una buena forma de mantener tu cuerpo en buen estado. Lo enfria, lo rehidrata y te da un sentimiento placentero.

Al parecer eres igual de whooz que yo. ¡¡Odio las agujas!!